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Initiatives to Achieve SDGs

Toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals “SDGs”

The world is aiming at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals “SDGs” by the year 2030. Mitutoyo has set up priority areas by linking SDGs with the “Six Guidelines in Mitutoyo's Management Principles.” We aim at achieving the SDGs together with the world.

SDGs Corresponding to Six Guidelines in Mitutoyo's Management Principles

  • Provide solution engineering to support our client business development
  • Contribute globally to the advancement of industrial measurement capability
  • Cultivate healthy relationships and common prosperity with trading partners
  • Support and promote global peace, human happiness and harmony with the environment
  • Apply business practices that reflect the integrity of Mitutoyo and our world-leading brandる
  • Nurture a vibrant corporate culture that inspires a passion in our personnel to do their best, to be the best

Mitutoyo's Key Initiatives for Each Objective of the SDGs

Each objective of SDGs Major Mitutoyo initiatives

3. Good health and well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for people of all ages

  • Promote health management
  • Support for sports experiences for local children through sponsorship to Kawasaki Brave Sanders

8. Decent work and economic growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all of The Agenda for Sustainable

  • Active hiring commensurate with company development
  • Create a lively work environment

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

  • Pursue IoT and AI applications
  • Contribute to production around the world with advanced precision measurement equipment
  • "Support for Mitutoyo Science and Technology Promotion Association, Incorporated Foundation (Support for the development of technology to shoulder the next generation)"
  • Support for the development of engineers through the global development of Mitutoyo Institute of Metrology
  • "Support for World Skills Competition
    (Support for the development of the next generation of engineers)"

12. Responsible consumption and production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

  • Guarantee national standards quality
  • Quality improvement support for customer production sites

13. Climate action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact

  • Save energy and reduce waste
  • Develop environmentally conscious products

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

  • Manage trade security through the Mitutoyo Export Management Program
  • Support for Society for the Promotion of Buddhism
    (Distribution of Buddhist scriptures all over the world)