March 14, 2011

Report following the earthquake in Northern Japan
You will all be aware of the catastrophe that has befallen Japan.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the families and friends of the earthquake and tsunami victims and hope that it will not be long before they can start to rebuild their lives.

Let me now inform you as to how this disaster has effected Mitutoyo Corporation:

Mitutoyo Employees
There are no reported personal sufferings to any of our employees - but at present we are trying to gather information concerning their relatives.

Risk Management
Immediately after the earthquake, Mitutoyo set up an emergency task force to evaluate and propose countermeasures to the damage that our Company has suffered.
We will do our utmost to re-start ordinary business as soon as possible.

Factory Damage
It is with some relief that only one of our ten factories in Japan has been damaged. This is our Kiyohara Factory in the Utsunomiya area (160kms north of Tokyo).
As a consequence we have been forced to cease production at this factory. We are now in the process of checking and planning the repair of this factory with the least possible delay.
In addition we are restricted by the rationing, by Government Order, of both electricity and water.

We are doing our utmost to minimize the effects caused by this earthquake but regretfully we have to expect delays to shipments for some products. We are extremely sorry for this inconvenience but we would ask for your kind understanding in these exceptional circumstances and in these most difficult of times for Japan.

As soon as the overall situation becomes clearer we will immediately inform you.