Quick Guide to Precision Measuring Instruments
PG37Quick Guide to MeasurementRe-assembly after removal from the baseObserve the following limits when re-assembling the emission unit and reception unit to minimize measurement errors due tomisalignment of the laser's optical axis with the reception unit.a. Parallel deviation between reference lines C and D: X (in the transverse direction)■ Alignment within the horizontal planeb. Angle between reference lines C and D: θx (angle)c. Parallel deviation between reference planes A and B: Y (in height)■ Alignment within the vertical planed. Angle between reference planes A and B: θy (angle)ModelDistance between Emission Unitand Reception UnitX and Yθx and θyLSM-501S 68mm ( 2.68") or lesswithin 0.5mm (.02")within 0.4˚ (7mrad)100mm ( 3.94") or lesswithin 0.5mm (.02")within 0.3˚ (5.2mrad)LSM-503S130mm ( 5.12") or lesswithin 1mm (.04")within 0.4˚ (7mrad)350mm (13.78") or lesswithin 1mm (.04")within 0.16˚ (2.8mrad)LSM-506S273mm (10.75") or lesswithin 1mm (.04")within 0.2˚ (3.5mrad)700mm (27.56") or lesswithin 1mm (.04")within 0.08˚ (1.4mrad)LSM-512S321mm (12.64") or lesswithin 1mm (.04")within 0.18˚ (3.6mrad)700mm (27.56") or lesswithin 1mm (.04")within 0.08˚ (1.4mrad)LSM-516S800mm (31.50") or lesswithin 1mm (.04")within 0.09˚ (1.6mrad)l Allowable limits of optical axis misalignmentXReference line CReference line DxReference line CReference line DYReference plane AReference plane ByReference plane AReference plane BLaser Scan MicrometersCompatibilityThe workpiece and measuring conditionsElectrical interferenceConnection to a computerLaser safetyYour Laser Scan Micrometer has been adjusted together with the ID Unit, which is supplied with the measuring unit. The ID Unit, which has the same code number and the same serial number as the measuring unit, must be installed in the display unit. This means that if the ID Unit is replaced the measuring unit can be connected to another corresponding display unit.Depending on whether the laser is visible or invisible, the workpiece shape, and the surface roughness, measurement errors may result. If this is the case, perform calibration with a master workpiece which has dimensions, shape, and surface roughness similar to the actual workpiece to be measured. If measurement values show a large degree of dispersion due to the measuring conditions, increase the number of scans for averaging to improve the measurement accuracy.To avoid operational errors, do not route the signal cable and relay cable of the Laser Scan Micrometer alongside a highvoltage line or other cable capable of inducing noise current in nearby conductors. Ground all appropriate units and cable shields.To avoid operational errors, do not route the signal cable and relay cable of the Laser Scan Micrometer alongside a highvoltage line or other cable capable of inducing noise current in nearby conductors. Ground all appropriate units and cable shields.Mitutoyo Laser Scan Micrometers use a low-power visible laser for measurement. The laser is a CLASS 2 EN/IEC60825-1 (2007) device. Warning and explanation labels, as shown right, are attached to the Laser Scan Micrometers as is appropriate.