Quick Guide to Precision Measuring Instruments
PG600.1ø0.08AAø0.08AA0.10.10.1ttttTolerance zoneRoundnessAny circumferential line must be contained within the tolerance zone formed between two coplanar circles with a difference in radii of t ConcentricityThe center point must be contained within the tolerance zone formed by a circle of diameter t concentric with the datum CoaxialityThe axis must be contained within the tolerance zone formed by a cyl-inder of diameter t concentric with the datum FlatnessThe surface must be contained within the tolerance zone formed between two parallel planes a distance t apart CylindricityThe surface must be contained within the tolerance zone formed between two coaxial cylinders with a difference in radii of t StraightnessAny line on the surface must lie within the tolerance zone formed between two parallel straight lines a distance t apart and in the direc-tion speciedNotation exampleNotation exampleNotation exampleNotation exampleNotation exampleNotation exampleVerication example using a roundness measuring instrumentVerication example using a roundness measuring instrumentVerication example using a roundness measuring instrumentVerication example using a roundness measuring instrumentVerication example using a roundness measuring instrumentVerication example using a roundness measuring instrumentTolerance zoneTolerance zoneTolerance zoneTolerance zoneTolerance zoneøtDatumcenterøtDatum axisISO 4291:1985 Methods for the assessement of departure from roundness --Measurement of variations in radiusISO 1101:2012 Geometrical product specications (GPS) -- Geometrical tolerancing --Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-outRoundtest (Roundform Measuring Instruments)