B-46BMitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specication, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.Metric For 5-ute cutting toolsOrder No.Range(mm)Graduation(mm)Maximum permissible error JMPE (µm)AnvilRemarksAnalog Anvil, Spindle (With carbide tip)114-1372.3 - 250.01±4108º—Analog Spindle (With carbide tip)114-1215 - 25±4w/groove114-12225 - 45±5—114-12345 - 65±6—114-12465 - 85±7—114-1655 - 25±4—Note: For functional details of series 314 refer to page B-8. Please note that these models are not water-proof, and that origin setting is by presetting. Optional connecting cable is available only for water-proof type (Digimatic model).Inch/Metric For 3-ute cutting toolsOrder No.Range(in)ResolutionMaximum permissible error JMPE (in)AnvilRemarksDigimatic (LCD) 314-351-300.05 - 0.60.00005 in/0.001 mm±0.000260ºw/groove314-352-300.4 - 1314-353-301 - 1.6±0.00025—314-361-300.05 - 0.6±0.0002—314-362-300.4 - 1—Inch For 3-ute cutting toolsOrder No.Range(in)Graduation(in)Maximum permissible error JMPE (in)AnvilRemarksAnalog Anvil, Spindle (With carbide tip)114-2020.09 - 10.0001±0.0002—Analog Spindle (With carbide tip)114-1630.05 - 0.6±0.000260º—114-1131 - 1.60.001±0.00025—114-1141.6 - 2.2±0.0003—Inch For 5-ute cutting toolsOrder No.Range(in)Graduation(in)Maximum permissible error JMPE (in)AnvilRemarksAnalog Anvil,Spindle (With carbide tip)114-1350.09 - 10.0001±0.0002108º—DIMENSIONSUnit: mmRange (mm) ()10 - 256.225 - 4019.1440 - 5532.1355 - 7045.1270 - 8558.11For 3-ute cutting toolsw/o groove modelw/ groove model(14.7)0.5(14.5)60°8ø1.58ø1.522.7(23.46)ø6.3560°30.3114-101114-2046.78AA View on arrowA18ø6.3129ø6.3522.515ø1866.9( )4.560º114-103A View on arrow(Spindle) Measuring( face )SPECIFICATIONSMetric For 3-ute cutting toolsOrder No.Range (mm)Resolution(mm)Maximum permissible error JMPE (µm)AnvilRemarksDigimatic (LCD) 314-251-301 - 150.001±460ºw/groove314-252-3010 - 25314-253-3025 - 40±5—314-261-301 - 15±4—314-262-3010 - 25—Metric For 3-ute cutting toolsOrder No.Range(mm)Graduation(mm)Maximum permissible error JMPE (µm)AnvilRemarksAnalog Anvil, Spindle (With carbide tip)114-2042.3 - 250.01±460º—Analog Spindle (With carbide tip)114-1011 - 15±4w/groove114-10210 - 25114-10325 - 40±5—114-10440 - 55±6—114-10555 - 70—114-10670 - 85±7—114-1611 - 15±4—114-16210 - 25—
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