B-87BMitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specication, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.Micrometer HeadThe origin of Mitutoyo’s trustworthy brand of small tool instruments Micrometer HeadsSERIES 150 — Medium-sized Standard Type DIMENSIONSUnit: mmPlain StemStem LocknutPlain stemPlain stemStem locknutStem locknutStem locknutStem locknutSpherical faceStem locknutPlain stemPlain stemPlain stemSpherical face150-192 (17)15ø6.35ø180545ø100-0.009(92)671742Ratchet • Fixture thickness: 11.5 mm150-191 4054515ø6.35ø14ø18(92)4267(17)ø100-0.00917Ratchet M9.5×0.5LocknutSpherical face150-801SR4*10 5 45 Reverse reading150-821*10 5 45 2 4 6 0 5 Equipped with vernier scale150-190*165Overall length: 133.5Long spindle (without ratchet)150-219Spherical face150-802SR4*20 5 45 Reverse reading150-822*20 5 45 2 4 6 0 5 Equipped with vernier scale 150-189*265Overall length: 133.5Long spindle (without ratchet)150-220( ): with spindle fully retracted.*1 Other dimensions are the same as 150-192.*2 Other dimensions are the same as 150-191.Mass: 95 gMass: 100 g
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