D-61DMitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specication, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.• This type uses interchangeable rods to enable wide-range measurement.• Order No. 329-250-30, 329-251-30, 329-350-30, and 329-351-30 allow integration into statistical process control and measurement systems (Refer to page A-3).• Measuring rod diameter: 4 mm• With measuring rod clamp.• Ratchet stop provides constant measuring force.Depth MicrometerSERIES 329, 129 —Interchangeable Rod TypeDepth GageA standard measuring tool of industry129-110SPECIFICATIONSMetricOrder No.Range (mm)Resolution (mm)Base (mm)Spindle feed error (μm)Flatness of reference surface (base) (μm)Flatness of measuring face (rod) (μm)Parallelism between reference face and measuring rod face (μm)Zero point error of rods (μm)No. of rodsDigimatic (LCD)329-250-300 - 1500.001101.6×16320.37±46329-251-300 - 30010±612Inch/Metric Order No.Range (in)ResolutionBase (in)Spindle feed errorFlatness of reference surface(base) (in)Flatness of measuring face (rod) (in)Parallelism between reference face and measuring rod face (in)Zero point error of rods (in)No. of rodsDigimatic (LCD)329-350-300 - 60.00005 in/0.001 mm4×0.630.00015 in/ 3 μm0.000080.0000120.00035±0.00026329-351-300 - 120.0001 in/0.001 mm0.0005±0.0003MetricOrder No.Range (mm)Graduation (mm)Base (mm)Spindle feed error (μm)Flatness of reference surface (base) (μm)Flatness of measuring face (rod) (μm)Parallelism between reference face and measuring rod face (μm)Zero point error of rods (μm)No. of rods Analog129-1540 - 250.0163.5×1631.30.3531129-155101.6×16253129-1090 - 5063.5×161.3532129-113101.6×16253129-1100 - 7563.5×161.3633129-114101.6×16263129-1110 - 10063.5×161.3644129-115101.6×16264129-1120 - 15063.5×161.3746129-116101.6×16274129-1520 - 30063.5×161.310612129-153101.6×162106InchOrder No.Range (in)Graduation (in)Base (in)Spindle feed error (in)Flatness of reference surface(base) (in)Flatness of measuring face (rod) (in)Parallelism between reference face and measuring rod face (in)Zero point error of rods (in)No. of rods Analog129-1290 - 20.0014×0.630.000150.000080.0000120.000250.000152129-1260 - 32.5×0.630.000050.000300.000153129-1304×0.630.000080.000300.00015129-1270 - 42.5×0.630.000050.000300.000204129-1314×0.630.000080.000300.00020129-1280 - 62.5×0.630.000050.000350.000206129-1324×0.630.000080.000350.00020129-1490 - 122.5×0.630.000050.000500.0003012129-1504×0.630.000080.000500.00030Note: For the function of Digimatic models 329-250-30, 329-251-30, 329-350-30, and 329-351-30, refer to page D-62. These models are not waterproof. Technical Data• Battery*: SR44 (1 pc.), 938882, for initial operational checks (standard accessory)• Battery life*: Approx. 2.4 years under normal use * Digimatic models• Scale type: Electromagnetic induction absolute encoder • Standard Accessories: 301336 Spanner 04GAA274 Spanner 202863 Hex-SpannerOptional Accessories for 329-250-30, 329-251-30, 329-350-30, and 329-351-30. For details, refer to page A-21.• Connection cable 05CZA662: SPC cable with data button (1 m) 05CZA663: SPC cable with data button (2 m)• USB Input Tool Direct 06AFM380B: SPC cable for USB-ITN-B (2 m)• Connecting cables for U-WAVE-T 02AZD790B: SPC cable with data button (160 mm)02AZE140B: SPC cable for foot switchWireless Data Output • U-WAVE-TM: 264-622 (IP67 type) 264-623 (Buzzer type)• U-WAVE-TMB Transmitter (Mitutoyo Bluetooth® U-WAVE) 264-626 (IP67 type) 264-627 (Buzzer type) Refer to page A-10 for details.• Connecting unit for U-WAVE-TM/TMB 02AZF310 (IP67 type/buzzer type common specication)Refer to pages A-10 and A-12 for details.329-250-30Products equipped with the measurement data output function can be connected to the measurement data network system MeasurLink® (refer to page A-25 for details).
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