D-63DMitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specication, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.• Measuring rod diameter: 4 mm • With measuring rod clamp.Note: Measuring rod is attached on the rear side of the micrometer. • Carbide-tipped measuring rod model is available.• Ratchet stop provides constant measuring force.Depth MicrometerSERIES 128 • The Depth Micro Checker is designed to check and help set the range-end points of a depth micrometer.Depth Micro CheckerSERIES 515 515-571515-570300275250225200175150125100755025929234591501251007550259167272180Depth GageA standard measuring tool of industryAn inspection certicate is supplied as standard. Refer to page U-9 for details.DIMENSIONS Unit: mm128-102128-101SPECIFICATIONSMetricOrder No.Range (mm)Graduation (mm)Maximum permissible error JMPE (μm)Flatness of reference surface (base) (μm)Flatness of measuring face (rod) (μm)Parallelism between reference face and measuring rod face (μm)Base (mm)128-1010 - 250.01±31.30.3within 563.5×16128-103*1.3128-1022101.6×16128-104*2* With carbide-tipped measuring rodInchOrder No.Range (in)Graduation (in)Maximum permissible error JMPE (in)Flatness of reference surface (base) (in)Flatness of measuring face (rod) (in)Parallelism between reference face and measuring rod face (in)Base (in)128-1050 - 10.001±0.000150.000050.000012within 0.000252.5×0.63128-1060.000084×0.63Standard Accessories• 301336: Spanner InchOrder No.Range (in)Block pitch accuracyAnvil block accuracy (μin)515-5750 - 6±(40 + L/0.15) μin, L=Length to check (in)±20SPECIFICATIONSMetricOrder No.Range (mm)Block pitch accuracyAnvil block accuracy (µm)515-5700 - 150±(1 + L/150) µm, L=Length to check (mm)±0.5515-5710 - 300515-570515-571
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