E-5EMitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specication, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.Gauge BlocksLength Standards Brought to You by MitutoyoACCURACY SPECIFICATIONS: JIS B 7506-2004 (JAPAN)Nominal length (mm)Grade KGrade 0Limit deviation of length at any point (µm)Tolerance for the variation in length (µm)Limit deviation of length at any point (µm)Tolerance for the variation in length (µm)from 0.5up to 10±0.200.05±0.120.10over 10up to 25±0.300.05±0.140.10over 25up to 50±0.400.06±0.200.10over 50up to 75±0.500.06±0.250.12over 75up to 100±0.600.07±0.300.12over 100up to 150±0.800.08±0.400.14over 150up to 200±1.000.09±0.500.16over 200up to 250±1.200.10±0.600.16over 250up to 300±1.400.10±0.700.18over 300up to 400±1.800.12±0.900.20over 400up to 500±2.200.14±1.100.25over 500up to 600±2.600.16±1.300.25over 600up to 700±3.000.18±1.500.30over 700up to 800±3.400.20±1.700.30over 800up to 900±3.800.20±1.900.35over 900up to 1000±4.200.25±2.000.40Nominal length (mm)Grade 1Grade 2Limit deviation of length at any point (µm)Tolerance for the variation in length (µm)Limit deviation of length at any point (µm)Tolerance for the variation in length (µm)from 0.5up to 10±0.200.16±0.450.30over 10up to 25±0.300.16±0.600.30over 25up to 50±0.400.18±0.800.30over 50up to 75±0.500.18±1.000.35over 75up to 100±0.600.20±1.200.35over 100up to 150±0.800.20±1.600.40over 150up to 200±1.000.25±2.000.40over 200up to 250±1.200.25±2.400.45over 250up to 300±1.400.25±2.800.50over 300up to 400±1.800.30±3.600.50over 400up to 500±2.200.35±4.400.60over 500up to 600±2.600.40±5.000.70over 600up to 700±3.000.45±6.000.70over 700up to 800±3.400.50±6.500.80over 800up to 900±3.800.50±7.500.90over 900up to 1000±4.200.60±8.001.00(at 20 °C)ACCURACY SPECIFICATIONS: BS 4311:2007 (UK) Nominal length (in)Grade KGrade 0Limit deviation of length at any point (µin)Tolerance for the variation in length (µin)Limit deviation of length at any point (µin)Tolerance for the variation in length (µin)over 0up to 0.4±82±54over 0.4up to 1±122±64over 1up to 2±163±84over 2up to 3±203±105over 3up to 4±243±125Nominal length (in)Grade 1Grade 2Limit deviation of length at any point (µin)Tolerance for the variation in length (µin)Limit deviation of length at any point (µin)Tolerance for the variation in length (µin)over 0up to 0.4±86±1812over 0.4up to 1±126±2412over 1up to 2±167±3212over 2up to 3±207±4014over 3up to 4±248±4814(at 20 °C)ACCURACY SPECIFICATIONS: ASME B89.1.9-2002 (USA)Nominal length (in)Grade KGrade 00Grade 0Grade 1Grade 2Limit deviations of length at any point (µin)Tolerance for the variation in length (µin)Limit deviations of length at any point (µin)Tolerance for the variation in length (µin)Limit deviations of length at any point (µin)Tolerance for the variation in length (µin)Limit deviations of length at any point (µin)Tolerance for the variation in length (µin)Limit deviations of length at any point (µin)Tolerance for the variation in length (µin)up to 0.05±122±42±64±126±2412over 0.05up to 0.4±102±32±54±86±1812over 0.45up to 1±122±32±64±126±2412over 1up to 2±162±42±84±166±3212over 2up to 3±202±53±104±206±4014over 3up to 4±243±63±125±248±4814over 4up to 5±323±83±165±328±6416over 5up to 6±323±83±165±328±6416over 6up to 7±404±104±206±4010±8016over 7up to 8±404±104±206±4010±8016over 8up to 10±484±124±246±4810±10418over 10up to 12±564±144±287±5610±11220over 12up to 16±725±185±368±7212±14420over 16up to 20±886±206±4410±8814±17624over 20up to 24±1046±256±5210±10416±20028over 24up to 28±1207±307±6012±12018±24028over 28up to 32±1368±348±6812±13620±26032over 32up to 36±1528±388±7614±15220±30036over 36up to 40±16010±4010±8016±16824±32040Nominal length (mm)Grade KGrade 00Grade 0Grade 1Grade 2Limit deviations of length at any point (µm)Tolerance for the variation in length (µm)Limit deviations of length at any point (µm)Tolerance for the variation in length (µm)Limit deviations of length at any point (µm)Tolerance for the variation in length (µm)Limit deviations of length at any point (µm)Tolerance for the variation in length (µm)Limit deviations of length at any point (µm)Tolerance for the variation in length (µm)up to 0.5±0.300.05±0.100.05±0.140.10±0.300.16±0.600.30over 0.5up to 10±0.200.05±0.070.05±0.120.10±0.200.16±0.450.30over 10up to 25±0.300.05±0.070.05±0.140.10±0.300.16±0.600.30over 25up to 50±0.400.06±0.100.06±0.200.10±0.400.18±0.800.30over 50up to 75±0.500.06±0.120.06±0.250.12±0.500.18±1.000.35over 75up to 100±0.600.07±0.150.07±0.300.12±0.600.20±1.200.35over 100up to 150±0.800.08±0.200.08±0.400.14±0.800.20±1.600.40over 150up to 200±1.000.09±0.250.09±0.500.16±1.000.25±2.000.40over 200up to 250±1.200.10±0.300.10±0.600.16±1.200.25±2.400.45over 250up to 300±1.400.10±0.350.10±0.700.18±1.400.25±2.800.50over 300up to 400±1.800.12±0.450.12±0.900.20±1.800.30±3.600.50over 400up to 500±2.200.14±0.500.14±1.100.25±2.200.35±4.400.60over 500up to 600±2.600.16±0.650.16±1.300.25±2.600.40±5.000.70over 600up to 700±3.000.18±0.750.18±1.500.30±3.000.45±6.000.70over 700up to 800±3.400.20±0.850.20±1.700.30±3.400.50±6.500.80over 800up to 900±3.800.20±0.950.20±1.900.35±3.800.50±7.500.90over 900up to 1000±4.200.25±1.000.25±2.000.40±4.200.60±8.001.00(at 20 °C)ISO 3650:1998Note 1: The accuracy of nominal lengths from 0.1 mm up to less than 0.5 mm follows that of nominal lengths from 0.5 mm up to 10 mm.Note 2: Grade K gauge blocks are only available as made-to-order rectangular gauge blocks.Note 3: Grade K gauge blocks are supplied with a JCSS calibration certicate. When ordering, kindly provide your formal name and contact information.Limit deviation of length at any pointThis is the permitted deviation of length. The deviation of length, expressed as “actual length - nominal length”, is measured at a total of five points: the “middle point” of the gauge block measuring face and the “four corners, at 1.5 mm on the inside from the side faces”.Tolerance for the variation in lengthThis is the permitted variation in length. The variation in length is expressed as “deviation of length for the maximum (greatest length) - deviation of length for the minimum (smallest length)” among those measured at the five points mentioned above.
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