E-9EMitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specication, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.Gauge BlocksLength Standards Brought to You by MitutoyoAn inspection certicate is supplied as standard. Refer to page U-9 for details.SPECIFICATIONS1 mm Base Block SetsBlocks per setOrder No.Standard/grade available and Sufx No.*1Blocks included in setSteelCERAISO/DIN/JISASMEBSSize (mm)Step (mm)Qty.122—516-596516-597516-598516-599——————K: -n00: -n01: -n02: -n0——————————1.00051.001 - 1.0091.01 - 1.491.6 - 1.90.5 - 24.530 - 10025, 750.0010.010.10.510194944982112516-531516-937516-938516-939516-940516-541516-337516-338516-339516-340—K: -n00: -n01: -n02: -n0K:-n600:-n60:-n61:-n62:-n6—K: -n10: -n11: -n12: -n11.00051.001 - 1.0091.01 - 1.490.5 - 24.525 - 1000.0010.010.5251949494103516-533516-941516-942516-943516-944516-542516-341516-342516-343516-344—K: -n00: -n01: -n02: -n0K:-n600:-n60:-n61:-n62:-n6—K: -n10: -n11: -n12: -n11.0051.01 - 1.490.5 - 24.525 - 1000.010.52514949488—516-969516-970516-971516-972—516-369516-370516-371516-372——0: -n01: -n02: -n0——————K: -n10: -n11: -n12: -n11.00051.001 - 1.0091.01 - 1.490.5 - 9.510 - 1000.0010.010.5101949191087516-535516-945516-946 516-947 516-948 515-543516-345516-346516-347516-348—K: -n00: -n01: -n0 2: -n0K:-n600:-n60:-n61:-n62:-n6—K: -n10: -n11: -n12: -n1 1.001 - 1.0091.01 - 1.490.5 - 9.510 - 1000.0010.010.510949191076—516-949516-950516-951516-952—516-349516-350516-351516-352—K: -n00: -n01: -n02: -n0——————————1.0051.01 - 1.490.5 - 9.510 - 4050 - 1000.010.51025149194356516-536516-953516-954516-955516-956516-544516-353516-354516-355516-356—K: -n00: -n01: -n02: -n0K:-n600:-n60:-n61:-n62:-n6—————0.51.001 - 1.0091.01 - 1.091.1 - 1.91 - 2425 - 1000.0010.010.1125199924447516-537516-957516-958516-959 516-960 516-545516-357516-358516-359516-360—K: -n00: -n01: -n02: -n0K:-n600:-n60:-n61:-n62:-n6—————1.0051.01 - 1.091.1 - 1.91 - 2425 - 1000.010.112519924447—516-961516-962 516-963516-964 —516-361516-362516-363516-364—K: -n00: -n0 1: -n02: -n0——————K: -n10: -n11: -n12: -n11.0051.01 - 1.191.2 - 1.91 - 910 - 1000.010.1110119891046—516-994516-995516-996516-997—516-394516-395516-396516-397—K: -n00: -n01: -n02: -n0——————————1.001 - 1.0091.01 - 1.091.1 - 1.91 - 910 - 1000.0010.010.111099991034—516-128516-129516-130516-131—516-178516-179516-180516-181—K: -n00: -n01: -n02: -n0——————K: -n10: -n11: -n12: -n11.00051.001 - 1.0091.01 - 1.091.1 - 1.91 - 5100.0010.010.1119995132—516-965516-966 516-967 516-968—516-365516-366516-367516-368—K: -n00: -n0 1: -n0 2: -n0——————K: -n10: -n1 1: -n12: -n11.0051.01 - 1.091.1 - 1.91 - 910 - 30600.010.1110199931*1: Sufx No. ( n ) for Selecting Standard and Certicate ProvidedISO/DIN/JISSufx No.Inspection CerticateCalibration CerticateJCSS1✔6✔✔Sufx No. 1:Not available for Grade K sets.BSSufx No.Inspection CerticateCalibration CerticateJCSS1✔6✔✔Sufx No. 1:Not available for Grade K sets.Sufx No. 6:Only for Grade K sets.Inspection CerticateThin Block SetsBlocks per setOrder No.Standard/grade available and Sufx No.*1Blocks included in setSteelCERAISO/DIN/JISASMEBSSize (mm)Step (mm)Qty.9516-990516-991516-992———0: -n01: -n02: -n0——————0.10 - 0.500.059Note: Details of the overall sizes for forms of block are given on page E-3 and the accuracy standards to which they are manufactured are given on page E-5.ASMESufx No.Inspection CerticateCalibration CerticateJCSS1✔6✔✔Sufx No. 1:Not available for Grade K sets.Sufx No. 6:Only for Grade K sets.
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