L-13FormtracerHybrid machine with dual-role capabilityMitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specication, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.LSV-C4500CNC•High-accuracy stylus type CNC Surface Roughness/Contour Measuring System that allows measurement of surface roughness and form/contour with one unit through detector replacement.• For models with the axis, it is possible to perform continuous measurement over horizontal and inclined surfaces by power-tilting the X1 axis. In addition, automatic measuring force adjustment function of Z1-axis detector for contour measurement enables automatic measurement with constant measuring force even with the X1-axis tilted. • For models with the Y-axis table, it is possible to expand the measuring range for multiple workpieces through positioning in the Y-axis direction.• Since the Z1-axis detector incorporates an anti-collision safety device, the machine will automatically stop if the detector touches a workpiece or jig.• Optional external control function (Ext I/O) through bidirectional communication (RS-232C) with the PLC (programmable logic controller) is available.SV-C4500CNC HYBRID TYPE1• CNC Surface Roughness/Contour Measuring System equipped with a non-contact type detector as well as a contact type surface roughness contour measuring detector. • Equipped with the Y-axis table, it is possible to expand the measuring range for multiple workpieces through positioning in the Y-axis direction. • Since the Z1-axis detector incorporates an anti-collision safety device, the machine will automatically stop if the detector touches a workpiece or jig. • Optional external control function (Ext I/O) through bidirectional communication (RS- 232C) with the PLC (programmable logic controller) is available.An inspection certicate is supplied as standard. Refer to page U-9 for details.Formtracer Extreme SV-C4500CNC/SV-C4500CNC HYBRID TYPE1SERIES 525 — CNC Surface Roughness and Contour Measuring SystemsSV-C4500CNC (Contour detector shown mounted together with the inclinable drive unit and Y-axis table)SV-C4500CNC HYBRID TYPE1 (Mounting example of non-contact detector)SV-C4500CNC SPECIFICATIONSModel No.SV-C4500CNCX1 axis(Drive unit)Measuring range200 mmResolution0.05 µmScale typeReflective-type linear encoderContourStraightness2 µm/200 mmAccuracy (20 °C)±(0.8+4L/200) µm L: Measuring length (mm)Surface roughnessStraightness0.5 µm/200 mmZ1 axis(Detector)ContourMeasuring range60 mm (±30 mm from the horizontal)Resolution0.02 µmScale typeArc Accuracy (20 °C)±(0.8+|2H|/100) µmH: Measuring height from horizontal position (mm)Surface roughnessMeasuring range800 µm, 80 µm, 8 µmResolution0.01 µm, 0.001 µm, 0.0001 µmZ2 axis(Column)Drive rangeSpecification is selectable from 300 mm or 500 mm.Resolution0.05 µmNote: While the appearance of the natural stone measuring table varies according to the source, the high stability for which this material is known can always be relied upon.SV-C4500CNC HYBRID TYPE1 SPECIFICATIONSModel No.SV-C4500CNC HYBRID TYPE1X1 axis(Drive unit)Measuring range200 mmResolution0.05 µmScale typeReflective-type linear encoderContourStraightness (20 °C)2 µm/200 mmAccuracy±(0.8+4L/200) µm L: Measuring length (mm)Surface roughnessStraightness0.5 µm/200 mmNon-contact typeStraightness0.5 µm/200 mmAccuracy±(0.8+4L/200) µm L: Measuring length (mm)Y axisMeasuring range200 mmResolution0.05 µmMaximum table loading20 kgZ1 axisContourMeasuring range60 mm (±30 mm from the horizontal)Resolution0.02 µmScale typeArcAccuracy (20 °C)±(0.8+|2H|/100) µmH: Measuring height from horizontal position (mm)Surface roughnessMeasuring range800 µm, 80 µm, 8 µmResolution0.01 µm, 0.001 µm, 0.0001 µmNon-contact type detector CPS2525*Measuring range1.2 mmResolution25 nmNon-contact type detector CPS0517*Measuring range0.1 mmResolution5 nmZ2 axisDrive range500 mmResolution0.05 µm* Select either CPS2525 or CPS0517.Note: While the appearance of the natural stone measuring table varies according to the source, the high stability for which this material is known can always be relied upon.Products equipped with the measurement data output function can be connected to the measurement data network system MeasurLink® (refer to page A-25 for details).
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