L-15FormtracerHybrid machine with dual-role capabilityMitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specication, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.L• FORMTRACEPAK functions offer total support for controlling the measurement system, surface roughness analysis, contour analysis, contour tolerancing, and inspection report creation. Surface Roughness/Contour Analysis ProgramFORMTRACEPAK• Editing measurement procedures The items displayed in the measurement procedure window can be directly modified. You can, for example, perform new analyses by modifying the evaluation setup or roughness standard.• Operation messagingThe operation message window for explaining the next step is incorporated.• Measurement controlTo make only a single measurement, you can create a part program in the single mode. To measure multiple workpieces of an identical shape, you can use the teaching mode. Since you can embed the entire flow, from making measurement to printing a report, into a part program, you can efficiently make measurements, analyze data, and output a report. A function is also provided that enables you to insert comments accompanied with photographs at desired timings, enabling you to embed the roles described in a measurement procedure document that specifies important points such as work settings. To make immediate measurements, you can use the pull-down menu to easily select and call up the desired operating procedure.• Versatile graphics windowing for data and analysis Tab-selection graphics windowJust select a tab to display the measurement data required, such as contour, roughness, or tolerancing results.Dividing the screen into two or four windowsThe screen can be divided into two, or four, windows for the convenient display of measurement data (for contour and roughness), analysis results, and contour tolerancing data, as required.Displaying the results in the graphics windowYou can paste the graphics obtained from measurements, as well as measurement values (including pass/fail results) and an analysis graph, into the graphics window. This enables you to check the graphics and measurement results at a glance using the graphics window alone.Refer to the FORMTRACEPAK Brochure (E15018) for more details.
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