Users of this website are deemed to agree to the usage conditions as described below:
A cookie is a data file transmitted from a website to a customers' computer. When the customer visits that website again, the website can read data from the customer's computer.
This website uses cookies for some pages, which are used to save the customer from having to repeatedly input answers and collect information such as the pages visited by the customer.
Cookies cannot be used to obtain personal information from customers. Moreover, each customer can refuse to accept cookies. In this case, some of the services offered on this website may not usable.
This website is designed to operate correctly with the latest browsers including Microsoft Internet Explorer ver.7 and higher, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.
However, some of the services offered on this website may not be usable if browsers other than above are used to view the website, or limitations are imposed due to the customer's usage environment.
This website uses the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption protocol for pages that require the input of personal information, allowing customers to input personal information with peace of mind. With SSL, the input data is encrypted in the customer's computer before it is transmitted via the network to the registration destination computer.
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This website uses Adobe Flash. Adobe Flash Player is required for viewing Adobe Flash files. The latest Adobe Flash Player can be downloaded for free from the Adobe Systems Incorporated website.
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Adobe Systems Incorporated's Adobe® Reader ® is required in order to view PDF files. The latest Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free from the Adobe Systems Incorporated website.
This website uses JavaScript and style sheets.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to view JavaScript content. If browsing is done in an environment that does not support JavaScript, problems may occur in the way content is displayed.