Linking management and measurement

Rigorous quality control leads to higher profit

In-line measurement enables 100% inspection and centralized management.
The resulting earlier discovery of defective products enables
faster countermeasures and rework cost reductions,
with the end result being an increase in profit.

Early discovery of defective products

Installation of the "MACH-3A" 3D measuring device makes it possible to discover defective products at an early stage in the production process. Through the early discovery of defective products, you can hold down the costs that such products generate.

defective product discovery

Raise to 80% the percentage for "defective product discovery"
in the production process stage

Raise to 80% the percentage for “defective product discovery” in the production process stage
Raise to 80% the percentage for “defective product discovery” in the production process stage

MACH-3A makes it possible to discover defective products
at an early stage in the production process.

The importance of process control for management

Manufacturing technology supported the rapid economic growth that was achieved by Japan. In the past few years, however, Japanese industry has been shaken by the frequent appearance of problems involving quality control. It is clear that manufacturing industry process control is extremely important, not only for the production floor, but also for corporate management.

MeasurLink, MiCAT Planner,
and Smart Factory

In a Smart Factory, all equipment in the factory is connected to the Internet, and a diverse range of information is collected, analyzed, and managed so it can be put to good use on the production floor and in corporate management.
Through the installation of MeasurLink and MiCAT Planner, you can take a step forward in the realization of a Smart Factory.