February 15, 2016
For enhancement and added value of its line of optical products, Mitutoyo Corporation has concluded a framework agreement with TAG Optics Inc. based in Princeton, New Jersey, USA. The agreement includes the acquisition of a majority stake of TAG Optics’ shares and the development of a comprehensive strategic technological and commercial alliance.
TAG Optics’ device, the “TAG LensTM,” is a revolutionary “tunable lens” which can change focus in sub-microseconds without any moving parts.
By adding this technology to microscopes and other automatic testing equipment, Mitutoyo will provide innovative, and ultra-high speed, high-resolution non-contact inspection solutions,
such as obtaining an all-in-focus image of 3D objects without any moving parts, which cannot be achieved by any other existing method.
By incorporating TAG Optics’ advanced technology into a variety of Mitutoyo’s proprietary technologies, new innovations in advanced measurement and testing solutions will be achieved and brought to market, leading to a revolution in manufacturing technology.
*TAG Optics Inc. is a start-up company, founded in 2011, which spun out of Professor Craig Arnold’s research at Princeton University.